There is no way to rotate out file from Oracle Weblogic Server Console or EM. To enable log rotation of the out
log file on a Linux-based system, perform the
following steps:
1. Ensure that you
have the logrotate binary installed on your operating system:
Create a logrotate
configuration file (for example, under /home/oracle/
scripts/logrotate.conf) with the following contents, setting [Domain]
to your domain name:
3. Create a logrotate
status file (for example, under /home/oracle/scripts/
logrotate.status) with the following contents, setting [Domain] to your domain
logrotate state --
version 2
4. Add a new crontab
entry by typing crontab -e and
adding the following line:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -s
/home/oracle/scripts /logrotate.status /home/oracle/scripts/logrotate.conf
will check every 15 minutes to see if it is necessary to rotate the soa_server1.out standard
out file based on the rules defined in the logrotate.conf configuration
file. If new log files are added, you must ensure that they are added to the
status file or they will not be rotated. This can be repeated for other managed
servers as necessary.
You can run the cron job manually to test it.
/usr/sbin/logrotate -s /home/oracle/scripts/logrotate.status /home/oracle/scripts/logrotate.conf
You can apply above steps for any Oracle middlware products like Oracle Weblogic Server, WbCenter, SOA, BPM, IDM etc. As this is a linux cron job, I believe its not WLS version specific.