Thursday, June 18, 2015

How to propagate ECID from OHS to Weblogic Server

What is ECID

Execution Context ID (ECID) is a unique value assigned to each request processed by the Application Server and is used for any subsequent processing spawned from that initial request. With so many discrete components in Fusion Applications this single value is what can be used to tie the processing flow together.

After executing steps mentioned below, you will be able to see single ECID for one request in all the layers (OHS, Weblogic, WebCenter Portal, SOA etc) 

Enable the ECID and cookies logging in OHS
a. Make a backup of the httpd.conf file (in case you haven't).
This file should be located here:
For example, in my case:
b. Edit the httpd.conf file.
c. Locate the "LogFormat" directive.
It should look like this:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
d. Modify the section as follows to include the Oracle ECID and timing metric:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b ecid:%E:%R Cookie=%{Cookie}i Set-Cookie=%{Set-Cookie}o [%T (secs)]" common
e. Save the changes.
f. Stop the OHS
g. Clean all the logs from the: /data/app/admin/ohs1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/ohs1/*
h. Start the OHS.
tail –f access_log - - [17/Feb/2015:16:01:13 +1100] [ecid: 0053o6N^T6NBX7P6yfyWMG0007iY00000E:0] [ecid: -] Cookie=JSESSIONID=X9KVxQQM3cfvjuYVERKYIYn3OO49-ydBezDUpVHktP7dX7uMt3IW!-647353198; _WL_AUTHCOOKIE_JSESSIONID=CKUfa0-SVk3CPMHPIpgl; _ga=GA1.3.101510753.1424135093; __utmc=5569967; __utmz=5569967.1424142043.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); BIGipServerADP_WEBCTR_PORTAL_TEST2_tcp8892_pool=1376851372.48162.0000; __utma=5569967.101510753.1424135093.1424142043.1424145235.2; __utmb=5569967.17.10.1424145235; BIGipServerADP_TEST2_http_pool=1628509612.20480.0000 Set-Cookie=- "GET /portal/faces/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/view1.jspx?_afrLoop=2157114934181138&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null HTTP/1.1" 200 6889 [0 (secs)]

Enable the ECID and Cookie logging in WLS (WCP, SOA, WCC, BPM etc)
To see the ECID on the WLS access.log, it helps to correlate better the logs and the flow.
a. Navigate to the WLS Console
b. Select Environment->Servers
c. Select the server you wish to configure
d. Click the "Logging" tab
e. Click the "HTTP" tab
f. Expand the "Advanced" section
g. Set in the "Format field" from the dropdown box "Extended", not "Common" (you may need to click on the "Lock & Edit" button - for Production mode)
h. Add "s-ip c-ip sc(X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID)" and/or "sc(Set-Cookie) cs(Cookie) time-taken" to the Extended Logging Format Fields  (by default is: date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status)
From : date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status
s-ip c-ip date time sc(X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID) cs-method cs-uri sc-status sc(Set-Cookie) cs(Cookie) time-taken
i. Click the "Save" button (you may need to click on the "Activate Changes" button - for Product mode)
j. Clean all the logs from the: <DOMAIN-HOME>/servers/<MANAGED-SERVER>/logs/*
k. Restart the PORTAL managed server.

Validation :
[adpt2@adptlwc201 logs]$ tail -f access.log
#Version:       1.0
#Fields:        s-ip c-ip date time sc(X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID) cs-method cs-uri sc-status sc(Set-Cookie) cs(Cookie) time-taken
#Software:      WebLogic
#Start-Date:    2015-02-11      15:21:07
RRWC101:8892  2015-02-11      15:21:07        -       GET     /       404     -       "__utma=79138256.2059891832.1403589756.1404189723.1405037343.3; lbsid=S05Iu6ltfn87UhA25dsM265yeH-GMj_5yL47KRVzNmtKybXhjNi2!964376355!1422854433134; _ga=GA1.3.2059891832.1403589756" 0.033
Note: Please note that cookies-based-persistence is configured for top URL in the F5.

You can configure above tasks for Weblogic Server, WebCenter Portal, WebCenter Content, SOA Suite and so on as far as it has Weblogic server as a middleware.